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Virtual Schooling in Panama City Beach

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With an assortment of top-class amenities for the entire family, Emerald View Resorts is the perfect location for back to school vacations. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most people didn't get a chance to visit this popular vacation destination. While the Coronavirus scare disrupted our lifestyle, families can now sigh with relief as resort properties are meeting the COVID requirements and regulations and are happy to accommodate families.

Enjoy Travel During School

Knowledge is power, and sometimes you may need more than grounding your kids so that they can study. Virtual learning offers more room for flexibility and spontaneity. With the current state of events, it's a great time for families to take advantage of the opportunities to integrate travel into their child’s online schooling curriculum.  
Most summers, families organize a vacation to the beach before the kids return to school. But since some schools have been closed and learning is available online due to the pandemic, this is an ideal time to let your kids mix some beach life with learning. With a collection of Panama City Beach resorts with top amenities, there are many opportunities to teach your children about the environment.

A Perfect Opportunity for Virtual Learning 

Study Space: Unlike at home where kids may experience constant interruptions due to space limitations, our properties offer a conducive and ample space where students can learn without interruptions. Kids can have the privacy they need when class is in session. 
Time: Although this might be a point of contention with your kids, it all boils down to how well you do your planning. The best thing about virtual learning is that you can set time for your children to study early in the morning, and let them join you for a fun-filled adventure later in the afternoon.   
However, don't let online schooling prevent you from having fun. Book a room with the best views at Emerald Views Resorts, and once you strike a perfect balance between studying and relaxing, you can ensure that your kids are still learning while still enjoying a summer vacation.

Book Your Stay Today!

Published on Tuesday, August 11, 2020